School Refuser - The Blog

Friday, 26 April 2013

Empowered Parents Inspiring Change in Schools - EPIC

Klarity Belle is the mother of two teenage girls. Her eldest experienced bullying in primary school and has long since recovered from these challenges. She is now a compassionate, caring yet assertive and confident young woman. Klarity's  youngest had no significant problems in primary but in the first two years in secondary she became the target of a bullying campaign by a very manipulative and callous girl. Klarity has ten years experience in most matters bullying and anti-bullying and has begun to Blog about the family's journey through those years.

If you can help keep this website alive, please make a donation.

1 comment:

  1. Simon, thank you so much for sharing the information about EPIC. The blog is in it's early stages but I hope to build content fairly quickly. I am taking a course at the moment to learn about photoshop and dreamweaver, though I'm not at all techie so a lot of the information about html etc goes right over my head!

    If you could give me any advice of how you went about setting up School Refusers support forum I would be grateful. What I am really aiming for is a support board too with the blog and resources linked to it.

    Thanks again for your kind support. KB
