School Refuser - The Blog

Friday, 26 November 2010

School refusers/phobia conference

In the Forum, a suggestion has been made that a conference should be held to discuss school refusal.

A first step would be to clarify aims and objectives from the conference. But there are a number of other questions that need to be answered:
  • Who would come to the conference
  • What would the agenda be?
  • Do we want to educate schools and health professionals or
  • Do we want to help the parents?
  • Would parents be interested?
  • Would we even get health professionals interested?
  • Would it be an opportunity to get press awareness?
  • Would a conference be of interest?
  • and then of course, we have to look at the cost...How much would people be willing to pay?
  • Where should it be held? (London has been suggested)
  • Who would organise the event?
  • Where do we get the funding?
  • When? (September 2011 has been suggested)
What does everyone think? Your thoughts would be really appreciated...

There are two parents here who are definitely interested and maybe their daughter.

Monday, 15 November 2010

The Children's Legal Centre

One of the problems we face as parents of a school refuser is getting the right help and support. Things become more difficult when we begin to face legal threats.

The Children's Legal Centre is a unique, independent national charity concerned with law and policy affecting children and young people.

Their aims and objectives are:

  • To promote and uphold children's rights within the context of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the European Convention on Human Rights in the UK and internationally.
  • To monitor and develop law, policy and practice concerning children and young people, to inform and influence policy makers and the general public.
  • To improve access to justice through legal advice, information and representation for children, young people and adults working on their behalf.
  • To publish a range of legal guides and information on child law, policy and practice.
  • To carry out research in the field of child law to assist policy reform and the application of law relating to children.
  • To provide technical expertise and training programmes to states, Inter-Governmental Organisations, Non-Governmental Organisations and United Nations agencies.
I have no experience of this organisation, but they might be worth a try. I would welcome any feedback.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Access to Education for children and young people with Medical needs

On 1 November 2001, the Government issued statutory guidance on access to education for children and young people in England and Wales with medical needs. It set out minimum national standards of education for children who are unable to attend school because of medical needs.

The education of pupils with medical needs is a partnership and it is essential that education, health and other agencies work closely together to provide the support to enable a pupil with medical needs to receive appropriate education. This includes Local Authorities and schools and related bodies.

Full details can be found on the Department of Education website.