School Refuser - The Blog

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Long time - no write

My jottings in the blog normally follow a news item regarding School Refusal, so when I realised that I had not written anything for quite some time, it came to me that School Refusal has been out of the news for some time.

Now, why should that have been?

Can there be fewer cases of children and young people unable to attend school because of a 'phobia'?

Or is it just no longer newsworthy?

Writing in the USA, Carol Dweck says 'Young children are developing school phobia in epic numbers and are dropping out in favour of home schooling'.  Surely there cannot be a significant difference in the UK?

When her daughter suddenly refused to go to school, Anni Bartle was at a loss as to what to do until she discovered a little understood phobia was to blame. She told her story to the daily Express in April:

We need more articles like this to keep awareness alive so that parents can receive the help and support they and their children need and deserve.