School Refuser - The Blog

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Reigate support group meeting

Parents of school refusers, and those who have similar issues, meet on the last Friday of each month, from 7.30pm to 9.00pm at Reigate Baptist Church.

I am told that it is a very informal meeting – a chance to support each other, share learning, swap books and occasionally hear from guest speakers. 

Run a local support group for families of 'school refusers', based in Redhill, Surrey, it was established by two mums whose children are unable to go to school. Understanding the stress this creates, and how hard it can be to access the right help, they believe the best support comes from other families and their own experiences, and this group was set up to facilitate this shared learning.

Everyone is welcome, and you don't have to be local!

Further details from fran @ (remove the gaps).

*image taken from a new website due to be launched soon.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs - Government policy for England and Wales.

Statutory guidance for local authorities.  January 2013

The Government’s policy intention is that all children, regardless of circumstance or setting should receive a good education to enable them to shape their own futures. Therefore alternative provision and the framework surrounding it should offer good quality education on par with that of mainstream schooling, along with the support pupils need to overcome barriers to attainment. This support should meet a pupil’s individual needs, including social and emotional needs, and enable them to thrive and prosper in the education system.

This is statutory guidance from the Department for Education. Local authorities (LAs) must have regard to it when carrying out their duty to arrange suitable full-time education (or part-time when appropriate for the child’s needs) for children ho are unable to attend a mainstream or special school because of their health. This duty applies to all children and young people who would normally attend mainstream schools, including Academies, Free Schools, independent schools and special schools, or where a child is not on the roll of a school. It applies equally whether a child cannot attend school at all or can only attend intermittently.

Read the Guidance