School Refuser - The Blog

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Mum fined because child 'refuses to go to school'

The Burton Mail reports that Kathleen Harvey appeared at Burton Magistrates’ Court to plead guilty to failing to ensure her son, XXXX, regularly attends school.

Magistrate, Tony Winterton, said: “Your son’s records are very poor. It is your responsibility to make sure he goes and you’re going to have to try something else to get him to go.

“We are sentencing you for a small period but you will probably find yourself back before the courts because he hasn’t been back to school once since you were handed the fixed penalty notice.”

Harvey was handed a £100 fine and made to pay £50 in costs and a £15 victim surcharge fee.

This seems on the surface as an example of a family in real need of help, and just being punished for their situation.

Another concern is with the Burton Mail, which published the boys name (deleted above)?

You can read the article here: